Jumat, 09 Desember 2011



For Immediate Publication
Saturday, 19 November, 2011

Penandatanganan Grant Agreement (GA) Program Compact – Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) oleh Menlu AS Hillary Clinton dan Menteri Keuangan RI, Agus Martowardojo di  Hotel Grand Hyatt, Nusa Dua, Bali (19/11). Turut menyaksikan penandatanganan, berdiri di belakang dari kiri ke kanan: Dirjen Amerop Deplu, Retno Marsudi, Wakil Menteri PPN/Wakil Kepala Bappenas, Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo,Dubes, AS Scot Marciel, dan CEO MCC, Daniel W. Yohannes.

Hillary Clinton and Agus Martowardojo Formalizing the
Five-Years MCC Compact Program for Indonesia

The Ministry for National Development Planning/Bappenas, Nusa Dua-Bali The Secretary of State, of the United States of America, Hillary  Rodham Clinton, and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Agus Martowardojo, are  signing the Grant Agreement (GA) of the Compact-Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Program, in the amount of USD 600 million for a 5 years period.  The signing is held on the occassion of the ASEAN Summit, at Grand Hyatt Hotel, Nusa Dua, Bali, on this day, Saturday, 19 November, 2011. The MCC Compact Grant is expected to strengthen the good relations between the two nations, in  various development sectors in Indonesia.

The undersigning is also witnessed by the Vice Minister for National Development Planning/Vice Head of the National Development Planning Agency/Bappenas, Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo, the Chief Executive Officer of MCC, Daniel W. Yohannes, the US Ambassador to Indonesia, Scot Marciel, the Director General of  the American and European section of the Foreign Ministry,  Retno Marsudi and government officials of both nations.

“The Compact Program supports implementation of the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Economic Development (MP3EI). This cooperation will significantly assist us in three main sectors, namely the health sector, good governance, and environment friendly economic growth”, said Minister for National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency/Bappenas, Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, welcoming the realization of  the Compact Program in Indonesia. In the five years of the Compact Program implementation, it is expected that poverty will decline and economic growth of communities in a number of targeted provinces can be increased”.
The MCC Grant  for Indonesia is focused on three sectors, namely :
  Modernization and Reform of e-Procurement (Governance). The cooperation in this sector is expected to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and savings of the budget with regard to the procurement of goods and services. In addition, it is also to encourage the increased control over corruption. The grant cooperation is mainly for the :
-          Development of the ULP (Procurement Service Unit)
-          Development of Procurement Policies
The LKPP (Institution for Public Procurement of Goods and Services) is the Coordinator of activities in this sector.

2.   Improving Access to Basic Health Services for Economic Opportunity. The grant for this health sector is mainly for overcoming stunting among children of below five years, with the priority for children below two years. Stunting is malnutrien among children that affect growth of the child’s height. The Ministry of Health and the Directorate General for Community and Village Empowerment (PMD)- Ministry of Home Affairs, coordinate the activity of this sector.

3.   Green Prosperity. The grant is used for the development of renewable energy, and will be focused among others to :
a.        Development of renewable energy (micro-hydro, bio-mass, and solar energy);
b.       Green Knowledge.

These two activities are supported by the facilitation of participatory spatial planning and natural resources management, that are expected to induce development of local economies. In addition, the activities are also expected to stimulate inclusive economic growth that has an impact to the reduction of the poverty.
The coordinator of this sector is the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.

The MCC Grant :
The MCC Grant is a complement to the assistance of the US Government and of other donors, that consists of :
1.       Compact : small scale grant, of less than 2 years, for nations that have passed the criteria;
2.      Threshold : small scale grant, of less than 2 years, for nations that have almost reached the threshold   criteria and are stongly committed to enhance their policy performances.
Since December 2008, Indonesia was declared to have met the conditions to obtain the Compact after being assessed that Indonesia has succeeded to carry out the Threshold Program. The Compact is prioritized for the health sector and for green prosperity. In addition,  the project governance  has also been taken into account.
The implementation of the Compact Program is divided into 2 phases :
1.      Development phase, i.e. the phase for preparing the compilation of proposed activities.
2.   Implementation phase, i.e. the phase of implementation after implementing the undersigning of the Grant Agreement (GA).

On the MCC:
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is an independent institution of the US Government for assisting the efforts in reducing global poverty. This institution was established by the US Conggress in 2004, as the follow-up to the Monterrey commitment (2002). The MCC is managed by a Board of Directors with 9 members, consisting of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the US Trade Representative, the USAID Administrator, and 4 representatives of the business community. The mission of the MCC is the “Poverty Alleviation Through Sustainable Economic Growth.’

For further information please contact the following :

Humas Kementerian PPN/Bappenas
Telepon (021) 319 36209 ext . 2201
ksimili (021) 2533404

MCI Bappenas
Jl. Kebumen No.7, Jakarta
Tel/Faks : (021)-2304161 / (021) 31902590